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Fruit Crop Protection Lab

Head: Komardina Veronika Semenovna, Ph.D.Biol.Sci
Tel.: (375 17) 501-62-32;Employeers: (375 17) 501-60-32

Komardina Veronika Semenovna

Komardina Veronika Semenovna was born on April 8, 1976 in the city of Minsk. In 1998 she graduated from the Belarusian State university Biological Faculty. For the period of 1999 to 2002 she has been a post-graduate student of the RUE “Institute of plant protection”. After graduating from the post-graduate course she was directed to Fruit Crop Protection lab as a Scientific Researcher. For the period of 2008 tо 2011 she has been certified as a Senior researcher. In March 2009 she defended the thesis on the topic: ”Bioecological features and the control of Venturia inaequalis (Coocke) Winter fungus development in the intensive type apple orchards”. From 2011 tо 2014 she has been a Leading Researcher in the lab. Since January 1, 2015 she has been in Charge of Fruit Crop Protection laboratory.
At present, Fruit Crop Protection lab under the guidance of Veronika Semenovna Komardina is carrying out the researches on monitoring the phytosanitary condition of fruit and berry plantations for developing the ecologically safe protection technologies of fruit and berry plantations against pests, diseases and weeds using computer technologies and maximum application of local and new foreign preparations. 
Komardina V.S. is the author of 45 printed works on orchard protection against the diseases.

Historical reference. The lab was organized in 1974. Ph.D.Agr.Sci. Bolotnikova Valentina Vasilievna has been at the Head of this lab for 16 years. From 1991 to 2005 at the Head of the lab has been Ph.D.Agr.Sci. Supranovich Romuald Vladimirovich, from 2005 to 2014 it has been headed by Ph.D.Biol.Sci. Koltun Natalia Evgenievna. A great contribution to the development of the lab have made Ph.D.Biol.Sci. L.N.Grigortsevich, Ph.Ds.Agr.Sci. R.V.Supranovich, L.N.Novitskaya, S.I.Yarchakovskaya, Ph.Ds.Biol.Sci. N.Ye.Koltun, R.I.Pleskatsevich, V.S. Komardina.

Currently, the laboratory includes two leading researchers, seven senior researches, one junior researcher, two graduate students, one leading agronomist.
Supranovich R.V., Ph.D.Agr.Sci.
Yarchakovskaya S.I., Ph.D.Agr.Sci.
Koltun N.Е., Ph.D.Biol.Sci.
Pleskatsevich R.I., Ph.D.Biol.Sci.
Vaseha Е.Е., Ph.D.Biol.Sci.
Grebneva Yu.N., Ph.D.Biol.Sci.
Meleshko N.I., Sen.Sci.Researcher
Mikhnevich R.L., Sen.Sci.Researcher
Svirskaya N.A., Leading agronomist
Five Ph.D.dissertations have been prepared and successfully defended on questions of orchard and berry plantations protection against pests and diseases. In 2015 three Ph.D. dissertations have been defended.

Main areas of work:
- carrying out the researches on comparative assessment of phytosanitary state of young and fruit-bearing plantations of fruit, stone and berry crops under conditions of climate change and branch intensification, determination of species composition, causative agents of diseases, pests and weeds, the dominant phytophages and phytopathogens sensitivity study to chemical and biological preparations, and the development of a set of measures to protect them against the main noxious organisms;
- studying the regularities of harmful biota structural changes of stone and seed crops under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors;
- improvement and development of fruit and berry crop nurseries protection technologies against dominant noxious organisms for laying out large-scale and raw gardens;
- studying the influence of fruit and berry crops growing mechanization processes on phytophages and phytopathogens incidence and harmfulness and the improvement of their protection technologies based on them ensuring the maximum completeness of removal and preservation of products.